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Nesha Schumann - Generous Volunteer Makes Art a Welcoming Gift

During her 40-year career at Lincoln Public Schools, Nesha Schumann's favorite thing was working with students. First, as an English teacher at Northeast for twenty years and then as Associate Principal at Southeast for another twenty years. After she retired she still spent another seven years with Human Resources at Lincoln Public Schools training substitute teachers. She finally retired in March of 2017.

As Legacy Members of the Foundation for LPS, Nesha and her husband Glen are still big supporters of our public schools, and Nesha loves to contribute her time and talents to the Foundation. An avid cardmaker, Nesha makes the beautiful personalized cards the Foundation sends to donors on special occasions. "I have gotten some really wonderful comments back from people about those cards", she reminisced. One time, her daughter-in-law Megan, a nurse, saw one of her cards sent from the Foundation on the bedside table of a patient in the hospital where she worked. She commented that she knew the person who made that card. The patient smiled and said, "I received many cards, but this is the one I wanted to display." 

Her career was never a question - Nesha always wanted to be a teacher. The only question before her was elementary, middle or high school. While at the University of Nebraska, her energetic "cooperating teacher" Ann Forch taught at East, and it was then Nesha realized that high school was her calling. Her relationship with the kids and the inspirational English curriculum made the decision for her.

Nesha went on the receive three degrees - Undergraduate Arts and Sciences with a teaching certificate, and a Master's degree in English and an EdD in Education and Administration. 

She passed down her love of learning and teaching to her son, Kyle who teaches math at Southwest. "It's not in the humanities" she laughed referring to her preference, "but he loves it." 

Nesha and Glen keep themselves busy with their two grandchildren Caleb (6) and Leah (3). "It's funny" she commented "Now that I'm retired, I'm so busy. I don't have as much spare time as I thought I would.". Besides her volunteer work for the Foundation, Nesha is on the board of the Nebraska Quilt Center and is also a docent. 

She still loves making cards in her spare time and has a standing list she keeps up with. Nesha smiles "It is really a win/win/win," she says about the Foundation's cards. "I love making them, people love getting them, and it makes people feel good about the Foundation - what could be better than that?"

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