Beau Gothier

Nancy Muehlhausen Counseling Award
Amount Awarded: $1,000
About the Award: This award recognizes current LPS employees who are accepted into a Master's level school counseling program and indicate their intent to work as a school counselor in LPS (preferred) or a current LPS counselor in need of funds for a counseling professional development opportunity that will benefit their specific school, a group of counselors serving the same grade levels or the district wide counseling team.
Nominated By: Rachael Kluck Spann, Principal
In 500 words or less please address the nominee's skills in the following areas:
leadership, counseling skills, commitment to equity in serving students, creativity, and
Beau Gothier is a leader among his counseling peers and also as a staff member at Irving
Middle School. Beau establishes strong working relationships with students, their families
and his colleagues and is a vital member of his counseling team. In addition to meeting
individual student academic, social/emotional needs, Mr. Gothier facilitates small groups and
spends time in classrooms presenting school counseling lessons to all students. Beau serves
as our MTSS-B liaison and is instrumental in helping our school improvement team
implement strategies to support all students and to create a positive school culture that
values and welcomes all students. He is skilled in restorative practices, has a positive solution
to any challenge and is a culture changer.
State how this award will enable the nominee to achieve fulfillment of their
professional goals and future pursuits.
Receiving this award will allow Beau to continue to provide leadership to our school
improvement goals as we aim to ensure our teachers develop trauma informed care, are
implementing restorative practices consistently in their classrooms and shared spaces and
empower our students to find their voices to advocate for themselves and others