Becky Phelps

Jill Oestmann Reading Educator Award
Amount Awarded: $500
About the Award: This award was established in memory of Jill Oestmann, an LPS graduate and pivotal reading teacher at Lincoln Southeast High School. Through her teaching abilities, she helped countless students find meaning in books and more importantly, rediscover an appreciation for reading. Jill’s supportive, genuine, tough-love approach-built connections with students who hadn't previously found success in the classroom. The recipient of this award must show a strong connection to students, an ability to adapt teaching methods to different learning styles, and a love for reading that opens new doors for students.
Nominated By: Jennifer Van Winkle, Co-worker
How has the nominee provided instruction and created reading environments that
positively impact students struggling with reading?
Becky is an outstanding educator. She works tirelessly for the sake of her students. Her
classroom is filled with enthusiasm and rich with respect. I admire the relationships that
Becky builds with her students. These are often students who lack self-esteem and
confidence due to their reading struggles. She opens their eyes to a world beyond their
struggle. She is encouraging and works hard to advance students out of the reading
program. Mrs. Phelps celebrates with students who meet the criteria to graduate from her
classroom. In addition, Becky works to accommodate students whose schedules do not
inherently work to include an ACES class . She wants students to experience all aspects of
education and values the exploration of other areas. It's a privilege to share a hallway with
Becky. She is a positive staff member and keeps us all smiling. For all of these reasons,
Becky is an excellent candidate for such an award.
How have the nominee's professional contributions enhanced reading instruction or
support at the building and/or district level?
Becky has worked to help write the reading curriculum for middle school. She has been
willing to try new lessons and approaches. Over the past few years, she worked with Tish
Rezac, offering suggestions for improvements or ideas to tweak a lesson to make it better. I
know Becky has been very involved in the development and success of the middle school
reading program for the entire district. I also believe she's been involved in new teacher
training with the curriculum and other such staff developments. I don't have all the specifics,
but do know that she is generous with her time and knowledge