Dallas Mettler

Nancy Muehlhausen Counseling Award
About the Award: This award recognizes current LPS employees who are accepted into a Master's level school counseling program and indicate their intent to work as a school counselor in LPS (preferred) or a current LPS counselor in need of funds for a counseling professional development opportunity that will benefit their specific school, a group of counselors serving the same grade levels or the district wide counseling team.
Awarded Amount: $1,000
Nominated By: Stephanie Clifford, Coworker
In 500 words or less please address the nominee’s skills in the following areas:leadership, counselingskills, commitment to equity in serving students, creativity, and innovation.
“All Park students know Mr. Dallas. He is recognized as a trusting staff member and for many students, he is their go-to. From the very beginning, students have known him to be their emotional support when things get hard, their advocate when facing the hard things, and overall the biggest cheerleader they could ever ask for. He brings laughter into Park each day, while also having the tough conversations and holding students accountable.”
State how this award will enable the nominee to achieve fulfillment of their professional goals and future pursuits.
“When we think of Dallas and what he means to the Park community, he embodies all characteristics of an outstanding counselor. Even though Dallas is a rookie counselor, and still working to complete his degree, he is someone we learn so much from, daily. The counseling center at Park is a place where we see really tough things. We hear tough stories and we find ourselves so committed to students, their families, their education and what their future holds. Watching Dallas, we see dedication at its finest. Dallas has become not only a role model for students, but for staff, as well. Dallas is currently working on completing his Masters in School Counseling. This award will help support the financial commitment that comes with advancing and continuing his education.”